Category: Privacy

  • Windows 10, Pay with Your Privacy

    Windows 10, Pay with Your Privacy

    Windows 10 is finally here and the reviews are fantastic; everyone loves it. 24 hours after its release 14 million people had already downloaded and installed it. Yes, anything could have been better than the unbearable Metro menu of Windows 8, but it seems Microsoft have finally been able to built a multi-platform operating system…

  • Researchers Unveil Better, Faster Alternative to Tor

    Researchers Unveil Better, Faster Alternative to Tor

    The Onion Router – more commonly known as Tor – is a network that provides a high degree of anonymity by encrypting a user’s data multiple times on multiple levels. The data is routed through volunteer relays on Tor’s network. Each time the data reaches a relay a layer is removed and the next location…

  • Lenovo’s Rootkit like Technique to Install Bloatware

    Lenovo’s Rootkit like Technique to Install Bloatware

    Lenovo used a Rootkit like technique to reload bloatware into clean installs of Windows operating systems, leaving customers open to attack. Not long after Lenovo were caught selling computers with SSL hijacking malware pre-installed on them, another breach of their customers trust has been unveiled. Lenovo have been selling computers with an altered BIOS firmware…